Sega’s blaze blue mascot is a standby of modern video games but do you know his origin story?
Like all famous stars, Sonic the hedgehog has a past and there are a few facts from that past that you might not know. Nothing salacious, mind you, unless you consider that Sonic the Hedgehog reboot to be a controversy all by itself (hint: it is).
So here you go, five things you didn’t know about Sega’s Sonic the Hedgehog
5. He Started Life as an Armadillo
Well, really Sonic started out as a number of concepts but prior to settling on the hedgehog form factor Sega bandied about everything from a bunny to an armadillo, both of which are huge parts of Sega history today. Mighty the Armadillo could have been Sonic the Hedgehog, or Feel the Bunny could have done it instead. There were a lot of concepts tossed around when Sega was thinking up Sonic. In fact the company had a contest and the design for Sonic, combining the traits of Felix the Cat and Mickey Mouse, according to Yuji Naka, and the “Mr. Needlemouse” design won.
4. He Has Had Both Human and Hedgehog Girlfriends
Between Amy Rose and that human chick from the Sonic the Hedgehog reboot for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Sonic has crossed more than the speed of sound’s boundary when he got together with a human princess in the furry-friendly reboot game that couldn’t get a compliment from critics if it paid them. Is it weird? You better believe it is weird but it’s just another little quirky about Sonic that we thought you’d like to know. Unlike Mario, Sonic apparently has a little black book and, further, unlike the Princess, it never seems like Sonic the hedgehog’s girls continually get capture by/run off with the same dude, time